From:Dan Abramov <>
Sent:Fri, 21 Aug 2020 00:49:03 +0000 (UTC)
Subject:[Just JavaScript] 08. Mutation

In the previous module about Properties, we introduced the mystery of Sherlock Holmes moving to Malibu. But we haven’t explained it yet.
Open a sketch app or take a piece of pen and paper. This time, we will draw the diagrams step by step together so you can check your mental model.
Though you have tried it on your own earlier, extra practice can’t hurt! At the end of this module, we’ll discuss the larger lesson behind this example.
Step 1: Declaring the sherlock Variable
We started with this variable declaration:
let sherlock = {
  surname: 'Holmes',
  address: { city: 'London' }
Draw the diagram for this step now.

Spoilers Below

Don’t scroll further until you have drawn the diagram.

Your diagram should end up looking like this:
Step 1
There is a sherlock variable pointing at an object. That object has two properties. Its surname property points at the "Holmes" string value. Its address property points at another object. That other object only has one property called city. That property points at the "London" string value.
Take a close look at my process for drawing this diagram:
Step 1 Animation
Was your process similar?
No Nested Objects
Notice that we have not one, but two completely separate objects here. Two pairs of curly braces means two objects.
Objects might appear “nested” in code, but in our universe each object is completely separate. An object cannot be “inside” of other object!
If you still think of objects as nested, try to get rid of this idea now.
Step 2: Declaring the john Variable
In this step, we declare another variable:
let john = {
  surname: 'Watson',
  address: sherlock.address
Edit the diagram you drew earlier to reflect these changes.

Spoilers Below

Don’t scroll further until you have drawn the diagram.

Your additions to the diagram should look like this:
Step 2
There is now also a john variable. It points at an object with two properties. Its address property points at the same object that sherlock.address is already pointing at. Its surname property points at the "Watson" string.
Take a look at my process in more detail:
Step 2
Did you do anything differently?
Properties Always Point at Values
When you see address: sherlock.address, it is tempting to think that John’s address property points at the Sherlock’s address property.
This is misleading.
Remember: a property always points at a value! It can’t point at another property or a variable. In general, all wires in our universe point at values.
Properties always point at values
When we see address: sherlock.address, we must figure out the value of sherlock.address, and point the address property wire at that value. It’s the value itself that matters, not how we found it (sherlock.address).
As a result, there are now two different objects whose address properties point at the same object. Can you spot them both on the diagram?
Step 3: Changing the Properties
Now let’s recall the last step of our example from the Properties module.
John has an identity crisis, and gets sick of the London drizzle. He decides to change his name and move to Malibu. We did this by setting a few properties:
john.surname = 'Lennon'; = 'Malibu';
How do we change the diagram to reflect it?

Spoilers Below

Don’t scroll further until you have drawn the diagram.

Your diagram should now look like this:
Step 3
The object that the john variable points at now has its surname property pointing at the "Lennon" string value. More interestingly, the object that both john and sherlock’s address properties are pointing at now has a different city property value. It is now pointing at the "Malibu" string.
In a strange case of location hijacking, both Sherlock and John have ended up in Malibu. Follow the wires using the diagram and verify this is correct:
console.log(sherlock.surname); // "Holmes"
console.log(; // "Malibu"
console.log(john.surname); // "Lennon"
console.log(; // "Malibu"
Here is my process for the last series of changes:
Step 3
We figure out the wire, then the value, and finally point the wire to that value.
The result should make sense now, but this example is confusing on a deeper level. Where is the mistake in it? How do we actually fix the code so that John moves to Malibu alone? To make sense of it, we need to talk about mutation.
Mutation is a fancy way of saying “change”.
For example, we could say that we changed an object’s property, or we could say that we mutated that object (and its property). This is the same thing.
People like to say “mutate” because this word has a sinister undertone. It reminds you to exercise extra caution. This doesn’t mean mutation is “bad” — it’s just programming! — but that you need to be very intentional about it.
Let’s recall our original task. We wanted to give John a different surname, and move him to Malibu. Now let’s look at our two mutations:
// Step 3: Changing the Properties
john.surname = 'Lennon'; = 'Malibu';
Which objects are being mutated here?
The first line mutates the object john points at — concretely, its surname property. This makes sense: indeed, we mean to change John’s surname. That object represents John’s data. So we mutate its surname property.
However, the second line does something very different. It doesn’t mutate the object that john points at. Rather, it mutates a completely different object — the one we can reach via john.address. And if we look at the diagram, we know it’s the same object that we can also reach via sherlock.address!
By mutating an object used elsewhere in the program, we’ve made a mess.
Possible Solution: Mutating Another Object
One way to fix this would be to avoid mutating shared data:
// Replace Step 3 with this code:
john.surname = 'Lennon';
john.address = { city: 'Malibu' };
The difference in the second line is subtle, but very important.
When we had = "Malibu", the wire on the left was We were mutating the city property of the object reachable via john.address. But the same object was also reachable via sherlock.address. As a result, we unintentionally mutated shared data.
With john.address = { city: 'Malibu' }, the wire on the left is john.address. We are mutating the address property of the object that john points at. In other words, we are only mutating the object representing John’s data. This is why remains unchanged:
Avoiding mutating shared data
As you can see, visually similar code may produce very different results. Always pay attention to which wire is on the left side of an assignment!
Alternative Solution: No Object Mutation
There is also another way we can make give us "Malibu" while continues to say "London":
// Replace Step 3 with this code:
john = {
  surname: 'Lennon',
  address: { city: 'Malibu' }
Here, we don’t mutate John’s object at all. Instead, we reassign the john variable to point at a “new version” of John’s data. From now on, john points at a different object, whose address also points at a completely new object:
Solution without object mutation
You might notice there’s now an “abandoned” old version of the John object on our diagram. We don’t need to worry about it. JavaScript will eventually automatically remove it from memory if there are no wires pointing at it.
Note that both of these approaches satisfy all of our requirements:
  • console.log(sherlock.surname); // "Sherlock"
  • console.log(; // "London"
  • console.log(john.surname); // "Lennon"
  • console.log(; // "Malibu"
Compare their diagrams. Do you have a personal preference for either of these fixes? What are, in you opinion, their advantages and disadvantages?
Learn from Sherlock
Sherlock Holmes once said: “When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.”
As your mental model becomes more complete, you will find it easier to debug problems because you will know what possible causes to look for.
For example, if you know that has changed after running some code, the wires from our diagram suggest three explanations:
Possible explanations
  1. Maybe the sherlock variable was reassigned.
  2. Maybe the object we could reach via sherlock was mutated, and its address property was set to something different.
  3. Maybe the object we could reach via sherlock.address was mutated, and its city property was set to something different.
Your mental model gives you a starting point from which you can investigate bugs. This works the other way around too. Sometimes, you can tell a piece of code is not the source of a problem — because the mental model proves it!
Say, if we point the john variable to a different object, we can be fairly sure that won’t change. Our diagram shows that changing the john wire doesn’t affect any chains starting with sherlock:
A variable wire cannot affect objects
Still, keep in mind that, unless you’re Sherlock Holmes, you can rarely be fully confident in something. This approach is only as good as your mental model! Mental models will help you come up with theories, but you need to devise experiments so you can confirm them with console.log or a debugger.
Let vs Const
It is worth noting you can use the const keyword as an alternative to let:
const shrek = { species: 'ogre' };
The const keyword lets you create read-only variables — also knows as constants. Once we declare a constant, we can’t point it at a different value:
shrek = fiona; // TypeError
But there’s a crucial nuance. We can still mutate the object const points at:
shrek.species = 'human';
console.log(shrek.species); // 'human'
Constant variable
In this example, it is only the shrek variable wire itself that is read-only (const). It points at an object — and that object’s properties can be mutated!
The usefulness of const is a hotly debated topic. Some prefer to ban let altogether and always use const. Others might say that programmers should be trusted to reassign their own variables. Whatever your preference may be, remember that const prevents variable reassignment — not object mutation.
Is Mutation Bad?
I want to make sure you don’t walk away with an idea that mutation is “bad”. That would be a lazy oversimplification that obscures real understanding. If data changes over time, a mutation happens somewhere. The question is what gets mutated, where, and when. That’s also a subject of much debate.
Mutation is “spooky action at distance”. Changing led to console.log( printing something else.
By the time you mutate an object, variables and properties may already be pointing at it. Your mutation affects any code “following” those wires later.
This is both a blessing and a curse. Mutation makes it easy to change some data and immediately “see” the change across the whole program. However, undisciplined mutation makes it harder to predict what the program would do.
There is a school of thought that mutation is best contained to a very narrow layer of your application. The downside is that you would likely write more boilerplate code to “pass things around”. But the benefit, according to that philosophy, is that your program’s behavior will become more predictable.
It’s worth noting that mutating just created objects is always okay because there are no other wires pointing at them yet. In other cases, I advise you to be very intentional about what you’re mutating, and when. The extent to which you’ll rely on mutation depends on your app’s architecture.
  • Objects are never “nested” in our universe.
  • Pay close attention to which wire is on the left side of assignment.
  • Changing an object’s property is also called mutating that object.
  • If you mutate an object, your code will “see” that change via any wires pointing at that object. Sometimes, this may be what you want. However, mutating accidentally shared data may cause bugs.
  • Mutating the objects you’ve just created in code is safe. Broadly, how much you’ll use mutation depends on your app’s architecture. Even if you won’t use it a lot, it’s worth your time to understand how it works.
  • You can declare a variable with const instead of let. That allows you to enforce that this variable’s wire always points at the same value. But remember that const does not prevent object mutation!
This module also has exercises for you to practice!
Don’t skip them!
Even though you’re probably familiar with the concept of mutation, these exercises will help you cement the mental model we’re building. We need this foundation before we can get to more complex topics.
If you complete the exercises I'll send the next module on Prototypes immediately! Otherwise you can expect it tomorrow.
Cheers, Dan

Next: 09. Prototypes

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