From:Dan Abramov <>
Sent:Sat, 22 Aug 2020 00:52:49 +0000 (UTC)
Subject:[Just JavaScript] 09. Prototypes

In the previous modules, we’ve covered objects, properties, and mutation. It’s tempting to jump to other topics, but we’re not quite done with objects yet!
Here is a small riddle to check our mental model:
let pizza = {};
console.log(pizza.taste); // "pineapple"
Ask yourself: is this possible?
We have just created an empty object with {}. We definitely didn’t set any properties on it before logging. So it seems like pizza.taste can’t point to "pineapple". We would expect pizza.taste to give us undefined instead. (We usually get undefined when a property doesn’t exist, right?)
And yet, it is possible to add some code before these two lines that would cause pizza.taste to be "pineapple"! This may be a contrived example, but it shows that our mental model of the JavaScript universe is incomplete.
In this module, we’ll introduce the concept of prototypes. Prototypes explain what happens in this puzzle. More importantly, prototypes are at the heart of several other JavaScript features. Occasionally people neglect learning them because they seem too unusual. However, the core idea is remarkably simple.
Here’s a couple of variables pointing at a couple of objects:
let human = {
  teeth: 32

let gwen = {
  age: 19
We can represent them visually in a familiar way:
In this example, gwen points at an object without a teeth property. According to the rules we’ve learned, if we read it, we get undefined:
console.log(gwen.teeth); // undefined
But the story doesn’t have to end here. Instead of the default behavior of returning undefined, we can instruct JavaScript to continue searching for our missing property on another object. We can do it with one line of code:
let human = {
  teeth: 32

let gwen = {
  // We added this line:
  __proto__: human,
  age: 19
What is that mysterious __proto__ property?
It represents the JavaScript concept of a prototype. Any JavaScript object may choose another object as a prototype. We will discuss what that means in practice very soon. For now, let’s think of it as a special __proto__ wire:
Take a moment to verify the diagram matches the code. We drew it just like we did in the past. The only new thing is the mysterious __proto__ wire.
By specifying __proto__ (also known as our object’s prototype), we instruct JavaScript to continue looking for missing properties on that object instead.
Prototypes in Action
Earlier, when we went looking for gwen.teeth, we got undefined because the teeth property doesn’t exist on the object that gwen points at.
But thanks to that __proto__: human line, the answer is different now:
let human = {
  teeth: 32

let gwen = {
  // "Look for other properties here"
  __proto__: human,
  age: 19

console.log(gwen.teeth); // 32
Now the sequence of steps looks like this:
Following prototype
  1. Follow the gwen wire. It leads to an object.
  2. Does this object have a teeth property?
    • No.
    • But it has a prototype. Let’s check it out.
  3. Does that object have a teeth property?
    • Yes, it points at 32.
    • Therefore, the result of gwen.teeth is 32.
This is similar to how you might say at work: “I don’t know, but Alice might know”. With __proto__, you instruct JavaScript to “ask another object”.
To check your understanding so far, write down your answers:
let human = {
  teeth: 32

let gwen = {
  __proto__: human,
  age: 19

console.log(human.age); // ?
console.log(gwen.age); // ?

console.log(human.teeth); // ?
console.log(gwen.teeth); // ?

console.log(human.tail); // ?
console.log(gwen.tail); // ?

Spoilers Below

Don’t scroll further until you have written the answers to six questions.

Now let’s check your answers.
The human variable points at an object that doesn’t have an age property, so human.age is undefined. The gwen variable points at an object that does have an age property. That wire points at 19, so the value of gwen.age is 19:
console.log(human.age); // undefined
console.log(gwen.age); // 19
The human variable points at object that has a teeth property, so the value of human.teeth is 32. The gwen variable points at an object that doesn’t have a teeth property. However, that object has a prototype, which does have a teeth property. This is why the value of gwen.teeth is also 32.
console.log(human.teeth); // 32
console.log(gwen.teeth); // 32
Neither of our objects have a tail property, so we get undefined for both:
console.log(human.tail); // undefined
console.log(gwen.tail); // undefined
Note how although the value of gwen.teeth is 32, it doesn’t mean gwen has a teeth property! Indeed, in this example, gwen does not have a teeth property. But its prototype object — the same one human points at — does.
This serves to remind us that gwen.teeth is an expression — a question to the JavaScript universe — and JavaScript will follow a sequence of steps to answer it. Now we know that these steps involve looking at the prototype.
The Prototype Chain
A prototype isn’t a special “thing” in JavaScript. A prototype is more like a relationship. An object may point at another object as its prototype.
This naturally leads to a question: but what if my object’s prototype has its own prototype? And that prototype has its own prototype? Would that work?
The answer is that this is exactly how it works!
let mammal = {
  brainy: true,

let human = {
  __proto__: mammal,
  teeth: 32

let gwen = {
  __proto__: human,
  age: 19

console.log(gwen.brainy); // true
We can see that JavaScript will search for the property on our object, then on its prototype, then on that object’s prototype, and so on. We would only get undefined if we ran out of prototypes and still haven’t found our property.
Prototype Chain
This is similar to how you might say at work: “I don’t know, but Alice might know”. But then Alice might say “Actually I don’t know either, ask Bob”. Eventually, you will either arrive at the answer or run out of people to ask!
This sequence of objects to “visit” is known as our object’s prototype chain. (However, unlike a chain you might wear, prototype chains can’t be circular!)
Consider this slightly modified example:
let human = {
  teeth: 32

let gwen = {
  __proto__: human,
  // This object has its own teeth property:
  teeth: 31
Both objects define a property called teeth, so the results are different:
console.log(human.teeth); // 32
console.log(gwen.teeth); // 31
Note that gwen.teeth is 31. If gwen didn’t have its own teeth property, we would look at the prototype. But because the object that gwen points at has its own teeth property, we don’t need to keep searching for the answer.
In other words, once we find our property, we stop the search.
If you ever want to check if an object has its own property wire with a certain name, you can call a built-in function called hasOwnProperty. It returns true for “own” properties, and does not look at the prototypes. In our last example, both objects have their own teeth wires, so it is true for both:
console.log(human.hasOwnProperty('teeth')); // true
console.log(gwen.hasOwnProperty('teeth')); // true
Consider this example:
let human = {
  teeth: 32

let gwen = {
  __proto__: human,
  // Note: no own teeth property

gwen.teeth = 31;

console.log(human.teeth); // ?
console.log(gwen.teeth); // ?
Before the assignment, both expressions result in 32:
Assignment: Step 1
Then we need to execute this assignment:
gwen.teeth = 31;
Now the question is which wire does gwen.teeth correspond to? The answer is that, generally saying, assignments happen on the object itself.
So gwen.teeth = 31 creates a new own property called teeth on the object that gwen points at. It doesn’t have any effect on the prototype:
Assignment: Step 2
As a result, human.teeth is still 32, but gwen.teeth is now 31:
console.log(human.teeth); // 32
console.log(gwen.teeth); // 31
We can summarize this behavior with a simple rule of thumb.
When we read a property that doesn’t exist on our object, then we’ll keep looking for it on the prototype chain. If we don’t find it, we get undefined.
But when we write a property that doesn’t exist on our object, that will create that property on our object. Generally saying, prototypes will not play a role.
The Object Prototype
This object doesn’t have a prototype, right?
let obj = {};
Try running this in your browser’s console:
let obj = {};
console.log(obj.__proto__); // Play with it!
Surprisingly, obj.__proto__ is not null or undefined! Instead, you’ll see a curious object with a bunch of properties, including hasOwnProperty.
We’re going to call that special object the Object Prototype:
Root Prototype
At first, this might be a bit mindblowing. Let that sink in. All this time we were thinking that {} creates an “empty” object. But it’s not so empty, after all! It has a hidden __proto__ wire that points at the Object Prototype by default.
This explains why the JavaScript objects seem to have “built-in” properties:
let human = {
  teeth: 32
console.log(human.hasOwnProperty); // (function)
console.log(human.toString); // // (function)
These “built-in” properties are nothing more than normal properties that exist on the Object Prototype. Our object’s prototype is the Object Prototype, which is why we can access them. (Their implementations are inside the JS engine.)
An Object with No Prototype
We’ve just learned that all objects created with the {} syntax have the special __proto__ wire set to a default Object Prototype. But we also know that we can customize the __proto__. You might wonder: can we set it to null?
let weirdo = {
  __proto__: null
The answer is yes — this will produce an object that truly doesn’t have a prototype, at all. As a result, it doesn’t even have built-in object methods:
console.log(weirdo.hasOwnProperty); // undefined
console.log(weirdo.toString); // undefined
You won’t often want to create objects like this, if at all. However, the Object Prototype itself is exactly such an object. It is an object with no prototype.
Polluting the Prototype
Now we know that all JavaScript objects get the same prototype by default. Let’s briefly revisit our example from the module about Mutation:
Root Prototype for several objects
This picture gives us an interesting insight. If JavaScript searches for missing properties on the prototype, and most objects share the same prototype, can we make new properties “appear” on all objects by mutating that prototype?
Let’s add these two lines of code:
let obj = {};
obj.__proto__.smell = 'banana';
We mutated the Object Prototype by adding a smell property to it. As a result, both detectives now appear to be using a banana-flavored perfume:
console.log(sherlock.smell); // "banana"
console.log(watson.smell); // "banana"
Prototype pollution
Mutating a shared prototype like we just did is called prototype pollution.
In the past, prototype pollution was a popular way to extend JavaScript with custom features. However, over the years the web community realized that it is fragile and makes it hard to add new language features. Prefer to avoid it.
Now you can solve the Pineapple Pizza Puzzle from the beginning of this module! Check your solution in DevTools.
__proto__ vs prototype
You might be wondering: what in the world is the prototype property? You might have seen it in the MDN page titles.
Bad news: the prototype property is almost unrelated to the core idea of prototypes! It’s more related to the new operator, which we haven’t used yet.
Remember that __proto__ means an object’s prototype. The prototype property and the new operator are a whole different topic we’ll skip for now.
Why Does This Matter?
In practice, you probably won’t use prototypes in your code directly. (In fact, even using the __proto__ syntax directly itself is discouraged.)
Prototypes are a bit unusual, and most people and frameworks never really fully embraced them as a paradigm. Instead, people often used prototypes as mere building blocks for a traditional “class inheritance” model that’s popular in other programming languages. In fact, it was so common that JavaScript added a class syntax as a convention that “hides” prototypes out of sight.
Still, you will notice prototypes hiding “beneath the surface” of classes and other JavaScript features. For example, here is a snippet of a JavaScript class rewritten with __proto__ to demonstrate what’s happening under the hood.
Personally, I don’t use a lot of classes in my daily coding, and I rarely deal with prototypes directly either. However, it helps to know how those features build on each other, and what happens when I read or set a property on an object.
  • When reading obj.prop, if obj doesn’t have a prop property, JavaScript will look for obj.__proto__.prop, then it will look for obj.__proto__.__proto__.prop, and so on, until it either finds our property or reaches the end of the prototype chain.
  • When writing to obj.prop, JavaScript will usually write to the object directly instead of traversing the prototype chain.
  • We can use obj.hasOwnProperty('prop') to determine whether our object has an own property called prop. In other words, it means there is a property wire called prop attached to that object directly.
  • We can “pollute” a prototype shared by many objects by mutating it. We can even do this to the Object Prototype — the default prototype for {} objects! But we shouldn’t do that unless we’re pranking our colleagues.
  • You probably won’t use prototypes much directly in practice. However, they are fundamental to how JavaScript objects work, so it is handy to understand their underlying mechanics. Some advanced JavaScript features, including classes, can be expressed in terms of prototypes.
This module also has exercises for you to practice!
Don’t skip them!
Even though you’re probably familiar with the concept of prototypes, these exercises will help you cement the mental model we’re building. We need this foundation before we can get to more complex topics.
Finish the exercises and you'll receive the final module in this season of Just JavaScript.
Cheers, Dan

Next: 10. Goodbye for now.

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